Spanish tapas are not just appetizers. They're all the flavours of Spain in combinations you haven't tried before. Served on little plates, often with toothpicks, these gluten free tapas recipes will get you excited if you're tired of the same old party fare.

Tapas can also be part of a larger sit down dinner. My Spanish Menu features paella, the classic rice dish from the region of Valencia. This could be your next Dinner Club menu already made for you!
What Are Tapas?
Tapas can be hot or cold, in sauce or deep fried, wrapped in pastry or not; one thing is for sure, a culinary experience awaits you! Often referred to as the little dishes of Spain, they come in a variety of types from simple to complex.
These tapas recipes feature the flavours and ingredients popular to Spanish cuisine; paprika, saffron, almonds, olives and more.
7 Tapas Recipes
The following are seven of my favourite tapas recipes that I make and serve. Sometimes as tapas, as an appetizer or some of them we even make for dinner.

Tips for Gluten Free Entertaining
When you're new to gluten free people often suggest you host dinners while your friends and family learn what living gluten free means. For a Tapas Night I suggest you open a nice bottle of Tempranillo, set out jars of pickles and olives and start by assembling banderillas.
Here are some tips from everyday gluten free cooks I know.
- Make the same menu for different groups. This idea is a game changer! Once you've got a handful of menus you can repeat these dinners with ease.
- Adopt the acronym K.I.S.S. with the meaning Keep It Simple and Safe. Focus on casual conversation and whole food rather than reading labels and hidden gluten.
- Accept people where they are. Not everyone understands the challenges of a strict gluten free diet. Ask those people to bring wine (or any specific item you know will be safe). Make a short list on your phone and don't be cheap, ask for things you wouldn't usually buy. These items can be a gift in lieu of food and not part of the menu.
- When it's your party you get to make the rules. People tell me they have shared documents with brand names, lists of trusted stores and even pictures of specific items.
Let me know in the comments below if you made one of these recipes, have a question or a tip to share.
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